Pictures of Kathmandu…
When The Wandelgek visited Kathmandu in 1999, he often got lost walking through the small, winding streets of Thamel. On one of these occasions, he got lost and arrived at a very small square, surrounded by multi story buildings. It was immediately clear that this small, secluded, tranquil oasis, with its delightful, and hidden-from-the-bustling-city atmosphere would be awesome to photograph. But how to do it? He started trying to catch an overview of everything and after trying two or three view points at the utmost edge of the square, without taking any picture, he had to conclude that it was a mission impossible. Then he started calming down from the first excitement of finding this unique place, the adrenalin stopped flowing and he started wandering around the place. He sat down near a small fountain and suddenly he started to see all these small almost microcosm like things happening. People offered rice, fruit and flowers to their Gods and pigeons lurked for a chance to claim these offerings. Everywhere were little temples, stupas and statues of Gods. He changed back to a 50 mm lens on his camera and looked through his lens like through a microscope in stead of a telescope at a new very detailed world. Slowly his camera took over and he began taking pictures… The next couple of days he tried frantically to refind this little square again, but it remained hidden…
The results of the one-and-only photo session were very pleasing to him and that’s why he likes to share these in this blog…

People in their daily routines…

Wonderful details…

Pigeons waiting for food offerings to the Nepalese Gods…

A divine pigeon…

Incense for a Goddes…

Secluded from the bustling town…

Lady making flower necklaces…

Lady selling yellow rice used at sacred rituals…
Hope you liked these pictures…